While exhorting people to 'Like' the India Against Corruption page on
Facebook I'm aware that merely 'liking' or 'following' a digital
presence does not make a big difference. The hope that I hold out is
that it could be the start of a bigger change, one that makes each
person even more mindful about herself and the world that she creates. When I 'like' a page or perform any such synonymous action I allow for a
deluge of data and opinion to be pushed my way; for eg. last night the
IAC guys put up a very interesting document online, via Facebook, one on
the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Getting access to
material of such a nature will allow us to go beyond spouting rhetoric
and jargon. This direct channel is the reason why many people have
actually read the Lok Pal bill, as proposed by GOI and the one put forth
by IAC. Few may have undertsood the legalese but the 'page' on Facebook
and the Twitter account gave them a forum to ask their questions. Social
media is an effective tool to generate many layers of conversation and
dialogue, which is what we need to start with today.
Facebook I'm aware that merely 'liking' or 'following' a digital
presence does not make a big difference. The hope that I hold out is
that it could be the start of a bigger change, one that makes each
person even more mindful about herself and the world that she creates. When I 'like' a page or perform any such synonymous action I allow for a
deluge of data and opinion to be pushed my way; for eg. last night the
IAC guys put up a very interesting document online, via Facebook, one on
the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Getting access to
material of such a nature will allow us to go beyond spouting rhetoric
and jargon. This direct channel is the reason why many people have
actually read the Lok Pal bill, as proposed by GOI and the one put forth
by IAC. Few may have undertsood the legalese but the 'page' on Facebook
and the Twitter account gave them a forum to ask their questions. Social
media is an effective tool to generate many layers of conversation and
dialogue, which is what we need to start with today.