Saturday, December 10, 2011

On Our Rights & Freedom

While we debate our 'constitutional rights and freedom', which always exist within 'reasonable restrictions', in the light of the latest attempt by the government to 'screen' and 'take down' material generated and published by users and groups on the Internet (social publishing platforms, to be precise), it is interesting to read the following passage.

"Political rights do not originate in parliaments; they are, rather, forced upon parliaments from without. And even their enactment into law has for a long time been no guarantee of their security. Just as the employers always try to nullify every concession they had made to labor as soon as opportunity offered, as soon as any signs of weakness were observable in the workers' organizations, so governments also are always inclined to restrict or to abrogate completely rights and freedoms that have been achieved if they imagine that the people will put up no resistance. Even in those countries where such things as freedom of the press, right of assembly, right of combination, and the like have long existed, governments are constantly trying to restrict those rights or to reinterpret them by juridical hair-splitting. Political rights do not exist because they have been legally set down on a piece of paper, but only when they have become the ingrown habit of a people, and when any attempt to impair them will meet with the violent resistance of the populace . Where this is not the case, there is no help in any parliamentary Opposition or any Platonic appeals to the constitution." — Rudolf Rocker, Anarcho-Syndicalism: Theory & Practice, 1947

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Why You Should 'Like' It.

While exhorting people to 'Like' the India Against Corruption page on
Facebook I'm aware that merely 'liking' or 'following' a digital
presence does not make a big difference. The hope that I hold out is
that it could be the start of a bigger change, one that makes each
person even more mindful about herself and the world that she creates. When I 'like' a page or perform any such synonymous action I allow for a
deluge of data and opinion to be pushed my way; for eg. last night the
IAC guys put up a very interesting document online, via Facebook, one on
the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Getting access to
material of such a nature will allow us to go beyond spouting rhetoric
and jargon. This direct channel is the reason why many people have
actually read the Lok Pal bill, as proposed by GOI and the one put forth
by IAC. Few may have undertsood the legalese but the 'page' on Facebook
and the Twitter account gave them a forum to ask their questions. Social
media is an effective tool to generate many layers of conversation and
dialogue, which is what we need to start with today.

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Building Blocks

What I feel earnestly about and will be found acting on

- The environment and ecology

- Socio-economic theories, the existing conditions around us and their impact

- Music and Movies (I'm not sure if I can be an effective creator here)

- Information freedom and decentralization of media

- Disruptive models in information 'ownership' and dispersion

- New models of power production, management and distribution

- Sustainable living

- Writing (Fiction and non-fiction, poetry, scripts etc)

- History

- Travel

- Books (reading, collecting and gifting)

- Philosophies

I hope to rebuild using these blocks. 



Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Thursday, September 08, 2011

That's Settled Then

. You don't feeling like talking to me nowadays, do you?

- No


- because of that

. Ok

[silence for a w     h     i     l     e]

- Will you stop asking me that question again and again

. Yes, but I feel insignificant, I feel the need to know why you stopped

- Insignificant? You are a dot

. There is more to me

- Then let everyone see that more instead of you venting your angst



Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jousting With Inertia

Something should gnaw at this ugly, rigid edifice and break it down with a big, nasty crash and when the dust settles you will see the pasture from where ideas and stories and other such forgotten things will sprout. They could be blue, square, irreverent, incorrect, baroque, transformative, factual. They will all be tedious in parts, especially the middle. The end, however, shall always be a rousing triumph, inspiring even. They will be 'tweeted', 'liked', shared and 'plussed', at least once, but they must not be 'tweets', 'likes', 'shares' and 'pluses'. Brevity is great when time is running out (or when you run out of analogies) but not here.

Inspite of all it machinations, 'The It' spews out character limited ideas and thoughts. The something that must gnaw at it has been summoned. If you listen carefully you can hear the sound of a chisel tapping away, or maybe they are just muffled keystrokes from a rather rigid keyboard; either way the end of inertia is near. A pity that it can't save itself by running away.

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Outsourced To Bob Dylan

When someone else can say it better, I cede ground.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's Bob Dylan

"If You See Her, Say Hello

If you see her, say hello, she might be in Tangier
She left here last early Spring, is livin' there, I hear
Say for me that I’m all right though things get kind of slow
She might think that I’ve forgotten her, don’t tell her it isn’t so....."


Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dot and Dash - Try Me

- She tried it, she didn't like it so she discarded it. Fair?

. Of course

- Can I do the same to you?

. Of course

- Woah, are you attempting to flex some muscles there?

. Go ahead, try me. I dare you, I double dare you

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

O Soma, Where Art Thou?

I like going off to sleep nowadays, it's when no one can trouble me anymore, not even me. The pit in the stomach is not felt, the pangs neither. Best of all your life moves towards its end and you lie there unaware of the fires that rage around, limp for a few hours, to wake up and resume fighting again but with the knowledge that soon sleep will come visiting and all that troubles will be lost for a few moments. I wish I could sleep all through. I wish I had Soma.

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Monday, May 02, 2011


If I could weave stories that sound as good as what I am about to tell you then I could be a racounter who could earn his keep. I do not, ergo, these are not stories. Of course, you can choose to believe otherwise. However, if you take my word, then I would like to bind you to a diktat, that when you do, you will pass on these narratives as you have heard them and not with any embellishments, additions or omissions. If you refuse to abide by that then I'd beseech you to ensure that your identity is hidden, for if you are found out the consequences of your action will scar your legacy. Some of the narratives sound too bizzare to be true, but it is their peculiar nature that should convince you that neither I nor anybody, who isn't a lore-master, could have imagined them into existence. To those who have embarked on this journey with the belief that these are just tales and nothing more, all I would say is that I sincerely hope that from now on you would live in interesting times. 

This is exactly how it happened...


Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Friday, April 08, 2011

Why You Should Like It

While exhorting people to 'Like' the India Against Corruption page on Facebook I'm aware that merely 'liking' or 'following' a digital presence does not make a big difference. The hope that I hold out is that it could be the start of a bigger change, one that makes each person even more mindful about herself and the world that she creates. When I 'like' a page or perform any such synonymous action I allow for a deluge of data and opinion to be pushed my way; for eg. last night the IAC guys put up a very interesting document online, via Facebook, one on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Getting access to material of such a nature will allow us to go beyond spouting rhetoric and jargon. This direct channel is the reason why many people have actually read the Lok Pal bill, as proposed by GOI and the one put forth by IAC. Few may have undertsood the legalese but the 'page' on Facebook and the Twitter account gave them a forum to ask their questions. Social media is an effective tool to generate many layers of conversation and dialogue, which is what we need to start with today.  

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?

Why You Should 'Like' It

While exhorting people to 'Like' the India Against Corruption page on Facebook I'm aware that merely 'liking' or 'following' a digital presence does not make a big difference. The hope that I hold out is that it could be the start of a bigger change, one that makes each person even more mindful about herself and the world that she creates. When I 'like' a page or perform any such synonymous action I allow for a deluge of data and opinion to be pushed my way; for eg. last night the IAC guys put up a very interesting document online, via Facebook, one on the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Getting access to material of such a nature will allow us to go beyond spouting rhetoric and jargon. This direct channel is the reason why many people have actually read the Lok Pal bill, as proposed by GOI and the one put forth by IAC. Few may have undertsood the legalese but the 'page' on Facebook and the Twitter account gave them a forum to ask their questions. Social media is an effective tool to generate many layers of conversation and dialogue, which is what we need to start with today.

Posted via email from Are You Off Guard?