Friday, December 30, 2005
Woh Joe Number 3
The quiz this time around has a few brain teasers thrown in and is heavily into films. I've also introduced images into the quiz this time around. Adding audio and video are also on the anvil, just need to get the tech part figured out. Any suggestions here?
Time to get cracking
1-We'll start off on a very relaxed note, who invented the rocking chair?
2-After that lets get down to some serious trivia busting. Connect "Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind" and "Being John Malkovich". The connection I am looking for is not just that they have the same director or crew, there is a funda connection.
3-In Minority Report the three precogs have something in common. What?
4-Nostromo, Narcissus and Nebuchadnazzer. Pick the odd one out also kindly explain the oddity.
5-Name this Bond villian (gimme the character and the actor)
6- I decided to get cryptic here, just one of the variations I figured would make life funner. Each answer is a word made up of two separate words. I'll give you cryptic clues and a definition for the real word and its job to get the answer right? So here goes. "Waste liquid of tree fruit, or a small statuette."
7- This is a movie poster, a very scary movie it was. Gimme the name of the film.
8- Yet another variation, the words given are the scrambled name of a person. A clue to the name is contained in the entry itself.
"Name land finder, gal"
9-This one is a bloody tough soccer one so all the soccer fans give it your best shot. Who has managed the most international teams? If you can give me a list of the teams he has managed.
10- Getting back to normal trivia and an easy one at that. Initially elected in 1946, and ousted in 1955, this leader was again elected president of his country in 1973. Who are we talking about?
The Bonus One
This one is a bit off the trivia boat as well
What number is missing from this list?
8 5 4 _ 1 7 6
The answers will be up on Monday until then Adios and have a blast partying 2005 away.
The Answers and alas...
Now my quandry is that if I impose a shorter time restriction, then fewer people would be interested in trying out the questions. SO this is the deal for today, I will make sure that I put the quiz up before 13:00 hrs (IST) and set a limit till 15:00 hrs (IST). Anyone getting all the answers right within this time frame will get the moolah. (Am still trying to figure out the best possible combination). Oh yeah please do comment on how the quiz could be made better, its just a bare bones thingy now. Also do drop in interesting trivia tidbits if you come across any. I'll do the same.
Now for last times answers.
1- Etymologically it comes from a word that means the meeting place of three roads, more specifically a public resort such as an inn or tavern. What?
2-A very simple one, in M&M what does M&Mstand for?
-Mars and Murrie, the inventors of the chocolate
3- There are only two books in the bible named after women. Name them.
-Ruth and Esther
4- Which literary character was born on September 22 1290?
-Bilbo Baggins
5- Staying with books which story began as "--------- was a little Chinese boy"? (obviously there is a name instead of the blank)
-1001 Arabian nights
6-With what would you associate the term "Carriage Return"?
7- Venice has gondolas, venice also has rules. What is the rule regarding the colour of gondolas in Venice?
-All to be painted black unless it belongs to a high official
8- You can duel in Paraguay as long as........
-Both you and your opponent are registered blood donors
9- In the olden days barbers in America and Europe had a red and white pole outside their shops, why?
-They also practised Bloodletting and tooth extraction. The pole was to signfy these and that whole big explanantion Jango gave
10- How did Nylon get its name?
-New York and London- this one is a problem, there are conflicting versions but we shall stickto NY Lon
Today's Bonus Question
She was the first Indian actress to model for this brand. Name the brand and the actress
Leela Chitnis, Lux
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Quiz No 2
2-A very simple one, in M&M what does M&Mstand for?
3- There are only two books in the bible named after women. Name them.
4- Which literary character was born on September 22 1290?
5- Staying with books which story began as "--------- was a little Chinese boy"? (obviously there is a name instead of the blank)
6-With what would you associate the term "Carriage Return"?
7- Venice has gondolas, venice also has rules. What is the rule regarding the colour of gondolas in Venice?
8- You can duel in Paraguay as long as........
9- In the olden days barbers in America and Europe had a red and white pole outside their shops, why?
10- How did Nylon get its name?
Today's Bonus Question
She was the first Indian actress to model for this soap. Name the brand and the actress
I'm putting up the answers and will be postig Quiz No 2 in a bit. Oh one more thing to get this thing up and runing at full steam I'm extending the time limit to 12 hours. Fair enough?
Also do let me know what sort of questions you would like, collaborations are also allowed, even all of the ertswhile desimediabitch can participate as a team.
Here are the answers
1- Baskin Robbins once made a vegetable flavoured ice-cream. What flavour was it?
2- The Midnight Cowboy was the only X-rated film to win an Academy award. After it won the something happened to the 'look' of the film, what?
]Rating changed to R
3- Liberia is a country in Africa, its capital in Monrovia. Who is the capital named after and why?
]American President James Monroe. It wa named after Monroe as he was the President of the United States when Liberia was created as the country for slaves freed from America.
4- This one is a little weird. What is weird about the swan?
]Only bird to have a penis
5- April 4th 1964 is a seminal day (no puns) for the Beatles. Why?
]Held the top 5 spots on the Billboard singles chart
6- This part of the human body takes in oxygen directly from the air and not through blood, which part are we talking of?
]The cornea
7- Breathing in the fumes of mercury over a long period of time causes erethism, a disorder characterized by nervousness, irritability, and strange personality changes. The element was used by a particular profession very often. What phrase has come into existence because of this connection?
]Mad Hatter
8- Because of TV censorship, actress Mariette Hartley was not allowed to show her belly button on Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek [episode number 78 in 1969] but later Roddenberry got even. How?
]He gave Hartley "two" belly buttons in the sci-fi movie Genesis II (1973).
9- Sticking to the stars. Who was the first character in the Star Wars series to mouth a dialogue? (Sitter for all star wars fans)
10- Round this 1st installment with yet another entertainment one. What is Donald Duck's middle name?
The Bonus One
Name all of Santa's 8 reindeers. Explain a pecularity.
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen.
]Rudolph was not a reindeer in any folk lore or story. He was created by Robert May for the Montgomery Ward department store chain in 1939. The song came a couple of years later.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Lets get down to business Q 1
2- The Midnight Cowboy was the only X-rated film to win an Academy award. After it won the something happened to the 'look' of the film, what?
3- Liberia is a country in Africa, its capital in Monrovia. Who is the capital named after and why?
4- This one is a little weird. What is weird about the swan?
5- April 4th 1964 is a seminal day (no puns) for the Beatles. Why?
6- This part of the human body takes in oxygen directly from the air and not through blood, which part are we talking of?
7- Breathing in the fumes of mercury over a long period of time causes erethism, a disorder characterized by nervousness, irritability, and strange personality changes. The element was used by a particular profession very often. What phrase has come into existence because of this connection?
8- Because of TV censorship, actress Mariette Hartley was not allowed to show her belly button on Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek [episode number 78 in 1969] but later Roddenberry got even. How?
9- Sticking to the stars. Who was the first character in the Star Wars series to mouth a dialogue? (Sitter for all star wars fans)
10- Round this 1st installment with yet another entertainment one. What is Donald Duck's middle name?
The Bonus One
Name all of Santa's 8 reindeers. Explain a pecularity.
The Answers will be up tomoroww morning.
Woh Joe Quiz
The first quiz follws in the next post.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Monday, November 07, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
The History Behind Games-Intro
The following is a series I'm writing on the history of PC and Video games. It will constitute of around 5 posts apart from this introductory piece.
The earliest on computer games were played on the supercomputers of those times. For very obvious reasons these were found only in large universities or the laboratories of large corporations or government agencies, typically the US Department of Defence. This restricted games from being available to the common population and it was not until the mid 1970s.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Once you're done I'll come over
The stream that flows through the forest may lead you to the rock where Prometheus is bound or maybe not. If one could be Delphic then you'd figure out where you are off to. Let us assume that you are in the black forest, Grimm as ever. The people you meet here depends largely on who can cook, you or them, and what you can cook.
To Be Continued
If you think I can't carry a thought into the next day then I suppose you need a sip of my testosterone.
Friday, October 21, 2005
The votes are in
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Some Test I Took, The Results Not Out
1. Name an ad on TV you hate, say why and then do your version.
The “Express” tag line can be used in far more innovative ways as the word packs more punch than what a pelvic thrust can deliver.
The earlier Reynolds adverts focused on the utility that is a pen, used primarily as writing tool. An advert for a pen must focus on this aspect unless of course the alternative uses can actually help in selling the pen.
Using the idea ‘Express’ a strong identifiable campaign can be created. To add a personal touch you can expand the tag line to “Express Yourself”
The same idea can be explored with a person walking around the city correcting signboards, handing out the right spelling to shopkeepers. All written with the Cello pen.
Tag Line- Express Yourself
Couple in bed, man using “Cello Pen” to draw on the woman’s naked/semi-naked body. He draws, writes poetry etc. The woman can act like this is the best thing ever.
Tag Line- Express Yourself
AD 3- Provocative ads that create controversies for social reasons always grab the eyeballs. Ok enough of home grown gyan. The pitch starts here:
Boy walks off with a classmate’s pen (Cello Pen). The classmate shouts out “Pen Chor” as the teacher walks by.
Tag Line- Express Yourself
2. Write a hoarding campaign for adoption
Initially I wanted to work out something different and avoid using the image of a child. The cliché however seems to stick. Every campaign for something like adoption will invoke a sense of deja-vu. You can experiment with style and concept but the ultimate insight, as you call it, would remain the same. We must consider adoption as an option, is the message.
For this campaign we can explore multiple options. One could tug at your heart strings, the other could be cute as hell and yet another could be provocative.
Message: Do it because you can
Tag Line: It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This
Tag Line: It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This
Image 3: A knobbed, long nailed hand reaching out to grab a scared looking kid. (All shadowed and Frank Miller style)
Tag Line: It Doesn’t Have To Be Like This
The above campaign can have a number of other images each showing an impending danger to a child left alone.
Campaign 2
Message: It’s happening all around you.
Here each billboard will be divided into two halves. One half will show the mother/father and kid frolicking/playing. The other half gives a mug shot of the two. For this particular campaign we can use images from the animal kingdom. The Great Dane and tiger/leopard cubs are well known. We can also use a cow and an elephant calf. In addition we use the image of an Indian parent with a Mongoloid baby and other such combinations.
Tag Line: Birds and the Bees do it; even the educated fleas do it.
Campaign 3
Message: It is the best choice
Image: Supermarket with a large number of cute babies on the shelf to pick from. A not very good looking but benevolent couple or a poor couple making a choice.
(The ugly couple funda is a provocative concept that is used to drive home the point that it’s a choice for everyone)
Image: A family portrait, with the entire family having an obvious deformity except the adopted child who is now a stellar young fella.
Tag Line: A little bit of variety always helps
The last campaign is deliberately provocative.
3. Make a story out of the following in about 250 words
Mermaid, silicon chip, saree, candle,
“This one cannot hold a candle to the earlier one,” he remarked. “Hell this one can’t hold a thing,” said the fisherman, “she has no arms. Whoever saw a mermaid without arms?”
The rough seas and low catch made the fishermen irritable, more so if you were a laid off dotcom employee. If you are wondering how a dotcom boomer takes to phishing then all you need to do is give me your credit card details, number et al and I’d tell you.
The two fishermen sat down in their high speed trawler and called out to RSVP. Ramadorai Shankerpeetam Velapalli Poghai or RSVP was the programming whiz who lost his job because of his brilliance. He programmed a programme to programme programmes. It was an open source application and was available for free. Needless to say the entire programming fraternity got laid off. RSVP went into hiding. He worked as a freelance deckhand, no ESOPs but the pay was better than what a freelance programmer got. The job also gave him a glimpse of the mermaids who swam by the boat. The mermaids never felt threatened by these software junkies, in that respect they were like any other woman. In other respects too they were a chip off the odd silicon blockheads.
RSVP saw the ragged state of his shipmates. He felt like going up to them an apologizing, “Saree, is such a difficult word to say,” he said to himself. But the thought didn’t stick with him too long; rationalizing was the key to survival for any Indian living outside his country. “We’re in the same boat anyway, and it’s not like they’re starving in
“Yep?” he asked them.
4. Write 100 words convincing someone to give up smoking
My sister lost her baby last week, my mother has a growth in her uterus, let’s hope it’s benign. Both my uncles succumbed to lung cancer last year; my father is in the final stages of his. My youngest cousin gets bouts of asthma and wheezes his lungs out. The noise disgusts me but his swollen face and bloodshot repulses me even more. The older one, she can’t see him look like a puffer fish, she was born blind. My aunt, she’s dead, had a stroke. We’re a family of orphans. I can only think, can’t move, can’t write, can’t talk, and can’t do anything without help. They say God helps those who can’t take care of themselves. Who helps you when your parents were buttheads? What a drag.
5. Write a radio spot based on the TV commercial you wrote
The scratching noises that’s made while writing and the dialogues between the steward and the customer.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
And When The Band Plays A Million Different Tunes
There its running fine and now the world seems nice and closed.
I'm seeing a number of collaborative blogs going through some sort of change.
Bloggers have assumed the role of commetators, thinkers etc or is it the other way round.
As a few bloggers would say, bleh
Friday, July 22, 2005
Gravy Train
Don’t let me go away, for every minute that I stay away I shall be keen to keep it that way.
Keep me tight if you want to see me on the eighth night.
If I do not want your life I would never look back as you cry,
I would sway along with the gravy train by my side.
My pound of flesh I shall have,
Only to quench my thirst for the unknown.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
...or verse
Let a good day draw us out
A walk in the rain a stroll by the street
For a fluff cloud to stay the heat
Up up and away to town
With nothing but her bridal gown on
Charge us free us and slip betwixt the sheets fornicus
Rolling around in their skirts and toupe
Aristotle and Plato never screwed a mullato
All they did was dance to YMCA
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
The days are turning to be far more interesting than I thought they would. I've been propositioned and I've accepted. So what do we have here, a relationship without emotional bondage and sentimental attachments? Now all that is left of me is to get on with my next best piece of art, pimp it and pontificate on the unnecessary.
Have I come along way? I think not. I've just gotten back to what I was, existentialist or culturally creative whichever way you look at it, all that is defined is my sexuality.
When you screw liberty over make sure you leave no Hiccyups
Lest they come along to tuckyouup
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Now Without Any Fear
Not let you shrink or inch away,
Only permit a hypnotic sway,
Do you want to test the waters,
Or move into the fold ever so slightly,
Gauge your fears and cross the threshold,
Wait for the season to stall,
And the sun to turn into a pale blue ball.
Do it now, tomorrow may show you a false light and push your misery gently into the dank recesses of your thought.
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Catcher Of The Fly
Here goes nothing.........
I'm not going to give you my history or anything of the sort. All I'm going to tell you is how I spent a whole day in this college. After being kicked out of Frenchie (for the uninitiated, Frenchie is the nickname of Room No. 407 - not the underwear. If you kick me out of my bare essentials I swear I'll have you castrated).
The reason for the expulsion was that I was testing my burglar alarm in the middle of my lecture. Actually, I was just trying to make the guy who was sitting next to me stop snoring. I had inserted the rods of my alarm in his nostril and the bell went off. It wasn't my fault - you too would have got pissed off sitting next to that slob. Every time he snored, a drop of snot fell from his nose.
I had no place to go, and so I went into the Reading Room and thought that I might read the day’s paper. However, all the seats were taken. All except for one beside a guy who reminded me of this classmate of mine. This chap had a tattoo on his arm which he said was that of a bull's. I’ve always felt that it was a cow's tattoo. I mean, you could only see its face and you can't possibly make out whether the animal is a cow or a bull by only looking at its head can you? Anyway, this guy sitting in the Reading Room reminded me of the cowherd (it’s a cow, I tell you). The chap was reading a management book and had a business newspaper in his bag. I presumed that this guy must be a management bloke. They have management written all over their faces. On the table next to ours a guy was sitting and flexing his forearms. I have a friend who is constantly doing that. He keeps challenging everybody to an arm-wrestling contest and keeps losing. This chap and the tattoo bloke both are decent chaps in all respects except for their personalities. They are big phonies actually.
I walked out of the Reading Room and went over to the canteen. It’s called Prakash's Canteen. Prakash is actually a waiter but he plays the piano that's kept in the corner. Today he was playing Beethoven's Unfinished Symphony…and kept finishing it. That really pissed me off. Beethoven must have left his work unfinished for some reason.
I like going to the canteen because that's the only place where they give you a drink without asking your age. I'm underage you know. I had 7-8 bottles of Bisleri out there and then ran off to the loo to relieve myself. In the loo I found a guy pissing with a straight face. I can never piss with a straight face, not even if you switched on the Oprah Winfrey show. Actually, I always sing while pissing. My favourite at these times is 'Staying Alive' by the BeeGees. There are two reasons for this, the first being that ‘Staying Alive’ is essentially a loo song, and that secondly, pissing is necessary to stay alive. I'm quite happy with myself because I can piss and sing at the same time. I havent tried dancing as yet.
So, as I was saying, the guy was pissing with a straight face. It was as if he was concentrating on something. I guessed that a spider or a roach must've fallen in the urinal
Out of the loo and I was back again in the corridors. They were pretty crowded now. I bumped into the lecturer who had removed me from my class. She called me aside and asked me why I kept doing such things. She said, "Solder (my name, dope!), your dad's gonna kill you when he comes to know that you've been thrown out of class again. Your dad's gonna kill you.” She kept repeating this for around five minutes or so. I had to give a thump on her back to put her back on track.
We once had a lecturer who kept repeating 'over here' every time.If you ever spoke to him the conversation would go like this.
YOU: Sir, how shall I solve this problem?
HIM: Over here, you put blah, blah…Over here and then you take this blah… Over here and finally you get the answer over here. Have you got me over here?
YOU: Over and out sir.
HIM: Over here it's over here and out my boy. Over here, over here…(fades away).
So this lecturer kept repeating, "Your dad's gonna kill you." Until I put her back on track. She was a very good teacher, though. I couldn’t say so myself, but I’m sure of it.
Somehow I couldn't control myself and started sobbing. She put her arm around my shoulder to console me. She was a very good teacher. She asked me, "What do you want to become? What's your ambition, Solder?" I thought for a while but didn't answer. "Do you want to be a doctor, an engineer or a lawyer, Solder?" she asked. "You know," I said "have you seen the garbage heaps all over the city? And have you seen the flies flying around them? These flies spread all these diseases. I'd like to be a catcher of the fly. Yeah! That’s what I want to be!” She stood up, angrily saying that I needed to get myself psychoanalysed. She said that I had lost my marbles. Anyway that was it. I left for another lecture.
Monday, June 27, 2005
The Other Side of Destiny
The eyes give you away. Betray you to your last axon. Never once did you think that those honey brown, seemingly ubiquitous pearls would give you away. All the while you kept up with your charade I knew this was coming. But never was I in the dark and so I’m not surprised, liberated yes. At times I waited for the day when you thought it would be the best to come out in the open, waited till it hurt every time I saw you look at me with concern and a trace of affection. I wanted to lunge forth at you. Make sure you never got a chance to catch me off-guard. There were times when I let my guard down, deliberately, so that you could make your move. Patience was something I never had, but for you I went through the painful process, just to see this look in your eye when you know your soul’s been laid bare. If only your eyes had the steel that you drove through me.
Monday, June 20, 2005
Need Some Help Here
Friday, June 17, 2005
Missing and Blissful
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
All You Need Is Love
Anyway the point here is that now I feel like going around asking “What to do, what to do?” I have been reading a lot of blogs of late. Most by young working women and some really “culturally concerned” individual sitting in Chandigarh insists that guys like me do it just so as to hook onto these girls and eventually bed them. Wow, what a neat concept to get some action. Read the blogs, leave a few comments, get onto the mailing business, then onto their chat ids and finally into their underwear. A few problems like distances between cities and a better than expected moral framework is of no consequence.
All we want is some floating action,
A little bit of flight and some sauntered motion,
Languid insanities with the ones who are Languid in sanitaries.
This ‘definitelymale’ from Punjab has sure got all the perverts like me by our trackballs. Girls beware especially when you see a comment on your blog from me. I’m the one lurking and waiting for you to be alone and looking for a shoulder to lean on.
Would Samit agree that I’m an eviler version of Danjem
Friday, June 03, 2005
Give me a sip of your oxytocin
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
Fine so I'm a Wine
?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
A Mega Mix
Rajdeep Sardesai (one of Prannoy Roy's 'crown jewels') has quit NDTV. Now that's old news. Also he's out to start another channel, tentatively called Broadcast News. That's old news again. The prominent stakeholders in this new channel are Subhash Chandra, Zee's head honcho, and TV18, the production house that is synonymous with CNBC in India. Now the news in warming up. So you have Subhash Chandra, India's first true media baron, Rajdeep Sardesai, the most recognisable faces on television news in India, and Raghav Bahl, the smart and politically savvy MD of TV18, all in one big group. That's interesting.
The print section of the media is also having its share of megers or rather tie-ups. Zee and Dainik Bhaskar (India's largest selling Hindi daily) teaming up in Mumbai to launch a newspaper, DNA. This is obviously to take on Times of India on their home turf. Times too is planning to launch a News channel. They have tied up with Reuters for this venture. Dainik Bhaskar is launching their own independent channel, Channel 7. This, as you might have guessed by now, is a news channel. The no frills, serious channel.
This obviously leads to a big muddle with Zee and Dainik competing with Times in the print arena and in turn slugging it out amongst themselves in the broadcast sector. Yes, Times too is in the fray. Seems like both Subhash Chandra and the Dainik Group have hedged their bets on the dramatic collapse of the Times Group and the slow decimation of NDTV.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Sex Kills...
1) At a very fast rate and,
2) Mix up the gene pool
This means that we need to have sex as often as possible and with as many different people as possible. By doing this we will ensure that we are in step with the germs that give us tummy aches and other such ailments. All of this obviously has to be unprotected intercourse as reproduction is the main objective. What would the fidelity preachers, safe sex and AIDS campaigners have to say about this? Of course there's a lot to Nye's credit rather than just plain top of the head theories.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Hitch Key
Who'd want all that jazz when one person can do the digging, not give you your flaws in writing and still get you your 'chick'. And God forbid if the government were to come and slap a tax once this becomes an organised sector. Something like a Mergers & Acquisitions tax. It's good this way.
By the way the movie "Hitch" was a pretty good one too. I caught a really late night show, got done by 1:30 am, but didn't feel sleepy even for a minute. Another thing, had this real spunky looking girl sitting next to me.
Will Smith is a love consultant who hitches up couples. He doesn't help patch break ups or help guys bed girls, the good (our culture police will love him) man only facilitates long-term alliances. His forte is making the wimpy, sorry looking guys get the cute/hot girls. In the course of things he flips for a 'society' journalist (gossip columnist) who also flips for him. While busy wooing and flipping he's also fixing up a client (fat accountant, quite goofy) with a rich heiress who is a Page 3 darling. All the usual gaffes and misunderstandings, followed by the senti love lines towards the end make up this latest American blockbuster.
Will Smith- Alex Hitchens (pun?)- Date Doctor
Eva Mendes- Sara Melas- Gossip Columnist
Kevin James (The King of Queens fellow)- Alex Breneman- Accountant, I'm so goofy.
Amber Valleta- Allegra Cole- Rich heiress and gossip column meat.
The movie is populated with the other sundry characters such as the Editor of the paper, the photographer. We also have the leading lady's best pal who gets screwed over and so is partly responsible for the misunderstanding.
A feel good movie with decent laughs. Hitch might just get you hooked.
Dot & Dash
-You'd have to shut up for that
.You must have had a troubled childhood
-Are you gonna give me more of your Freudian psychology jazz
.I haven't spoken to you about any psychology ever
-Good then don't start because I don't believe Freud, Pavlov or any other western psychologist ever understood what the human mind was all about
.And by that you're hinting that our guys here "in the east" got it right
-Well some fair bit, yes. You see not everything was linked, you weren't treated as an aggregate of your experiences. Something that you did was credited to your intelligence
.But something had to influence that intelligence
-Yeah but not my gonads, definitely not them. I don't look to screw every person I meet. And I don't believe that every relation is doomed
.It probably has affected you at a subliminal level. You probably haven't realised it as yet but your world view might be influenced by that
-If something has to affect me at a subliminal level then why does it have to be a carnal desire, propabably because the person who purported the theory was an egotist who wanted to deny the existence of any sort of more powerful influence
.You hinting at God
-Yeah I am, and I'm not hinting. You want to run those theories through your head then go right ahead, but get one thing clear you'll never know all the answers especially the ones you seek the most. Definitely not if you have apreconceived notion about them. Let your mind float think free and accept any thought that's not a theory. The reason I say no to the new found concepts just so as to weigh in the earlier ones. I won't rush into something just because it has been put forth. Nor will I diss it for the same reason.
.But you did diss them
-We needed this talk
.You bloody hypocrite
-To each man his own
.Will you twist an idea just to fit you stand
-Everytime I take one. God Bless
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
All The LittleThings
I'm not too old, but was around early enough to see a fair bit of DD's television programming, listen to programmes on the radio, read a fair amount good articles written by some really good Indian writers and had my bunch of childhood heroes (Phantom, He-Man et al). Oh yeah, I've also played on the 4-bit Atari gaming console. So for all those who came in late (or came out late) here's a refresher/crash course.
A] The first thing that I remember are the daily Phantom and Mandrake comic strips in the Times of India. You never had a better series. Calvin and Asterix are all fine but when you're kid it's gotta be The Ghost Who Walks. Saturdays and Sundays were really bad as you got none of these serialised strips.
B] Misha- The Russian magazine. We subscribed to this because my that's my sister's name. But that was a fortnightly I waited for. Gimme more. Wasn't much of a Tinkle guy.
C] The Saturday Review by the Times. It had really good stuff sometimes. Then something happened and they stopped.
D] Chitrahaar on Wednesdays and Chaayageet on Thursdays. I preferred Chitrahaar, they played newer songs and a couple more than Chaayageet.
E] Fun Time in the afternoon during the summers. Two hours of pure bliss. The afternoon band also a fair amount of interesting serials Karamchand, Aaa Bail Mujhe Maar.
F] Giant Robot and Fireball XL5 was my introduction to international Television programming
G] Saturday evening movies which I was never allowed to watch. Everyone else was busy watching Jeetendra beat up Shakti Kapoor, so I got bored on Sat evenings.
H] Cibaca Geetmala by Ameen Sayani on the radio. By the end of it I was sick of hearing "Gori Hai Kalyiyaan", the movie was Aaj Ka Arjun (Amitabh and Jaya Prada). That song was Numero Uno for almost a year.
I] The original sexy song by Right Said Fred, this wasn't to old but then it set a trend.
J] Street Hawk, this was Knight Rider ka baap.
K] Games like Frogger and Tank Boxing on my Atari console we so low on the graphics front but sooooo much fun.
There are more a lot more such as the Lucille Ball show, the morning radio shows and then Laurel & Hardy on DD. Hawa mahal was a drama show at 20:30 every evening on AIR. Things have moved ahead so quick that sometimes i feel older than I am, just because the transition from so many contraints to free tech has been so quick. I guess this will have a sequel soon.
When The Trough and The Crest....
A film with a name like that is meant for the niche uber cool audience. A village yokel like me may never be able to comprehend it. What is white noise? The grains you get when the cable from your television is yanked off. The sound that emanates has all the frequencies of sound in it.
The protagonist of the movie is in a cracked up relation with a TV producer. That's what I figured Arayn Vaid's character was. Now just incidentally the chap's married too (hmm extra marital) and has a couple of brats. Wifey comes and tells the mistress to back off.
OK Basic Info:
Mistress/TV Script Writer = Protagonist = Gauri Khanna = Koel Purie
Producer = Wimpy Husband/ Skirt Chaser?= Let's call him Raj= Arayan Vaid
TV Editor = Disgruntled Son/Confused Attraction= Karan, I think..=Rahul Bose
Other sundry characters.
Ok now back to the scene. After Script Writer is asked to back-off she becomes an alcoholic. She was about to wreck a marriage but we are supposed to sympathise with her. Feel her hurt. Did anyone think about Skirt Chaser's wife and kids. In one dialogue the TV Editor did. Anyway women's lib means sleeping with married men and they needn't be the ones married to you. At least that's what our entertainment industry believes.
The story wasn't much, just a confused girl-woman coming to terms with reality. The dialogues were thanks to Jim Morrison. Liberally quoted to rub in the uber cool feel.
So what was good?.... the physics fundae.
What was bad?....the premise, Koel Purie's acting. Please do not rave about her just because her father is this powerful media baron. Bloody, talk of kissing ass. The dialogues.
What was Destructive Interference?.... Arayan Vaid, anytime, anyplace. Someone send him back to the ramp.
What to do?....Don't Watch
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Dot & Dash
-Like, "I'm a dashing fellow, ain't I?"
.Ya, you know those are forced ones. The obvious, not so spontaneous ones. They lack the 'pun'ch.
-Ya right. The one you just blurted out was so perfect nah.
.Of course it was. I realised I had said that only after I did.
-Oh so it was so spontaneous and so not obvious that even you didn't know it was coming. Does it always happen to you?
.What, not realise when it's gonna come? Yeah, many a time.
-Hah, you don't realise when you're gonnna come.
.You know according to Euclid a dash is made up of a large number of dots
-According to Einstein it takes so many dots to make up a dash
.Einstein was bad at geometry, that's why he was a clerk.
-You mean to say that a clerk cant be superman...that was sooo good.
.Bullshit no one of got what you were tring to say
-But all of me did. Hahaha
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Was There Heard That
Most of us weren't around during the big radio boom; atleast the world wide phenomenon. India too had its share of radio stars, cult characters like Inspector Eagle, show hosts like Ameen Sayani and the baap of all quiz shows BQC. Think about it, radio was so big that AIR rejected a particular someone who had auditioned for the positon of a show host, RJ in today's parlance. The guy went onto act in films and became India's biggest superstar. In hindsight Amitabh Bacchan would have made a good radio quiz master.
The return of a radio culture will also augument the impact of P2P journalism. We always react and relate more to a voice as compared to a whole host of images overlayed with a commentary. Similarly our decisions will always be influenced more by our peers than say a newspaper or trade journal. An independent, unopinionated information disbursal system will ensure the survival of unhindred debate, where the opinion of an individual will be heard as is, without the intervention of a channel or publisher with its own agenda.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Pots And Fans
The sixth Potter book is slated for a mid-July release, I think it's the 16th. The marketing hype surrounding the 672 page (that's the publisher's figure) release has to be huge. Scholastic, the American publisher, will have a 10.4 million initial print run for the book. The highest ever for any book and 4 million more than the earlier Potter offering. The book has already hit the top spot on many bestseller lists including Amazon. All this just based on the pre-orders
A Time To Blog
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Dot & Dash
-What bout love?
.You know the cliched type of love talk
-Why would I want to do a cliche with you?
.Because you have nothing better to do
-But cliched love talk with a person of the same sex
.What you Homophobic now?
-No, but you're not homosexual either.
.Now that's not a problem. Let's assume that I am a homosexual
-Well, then we also got to realise that I might not be a homosexual
.C'mon just for talking. I hereby ordain you a pukka....I'm tempted to rhyme that with you know what
-Don't do it, we don't want to be called insensitive, do we?
.Hell no, won't go with my homosexual image anyway
-Why do we get such short lines?
.Cos you ask such stupid questions honey
-Why the effyouseekay you call me hon man?
.Now why you talking like a motown man
.Don't plagiarise
-Now I'm bored
.Is that why you stole a line
-Ok bye
.Bye sweetie, I'll wait
-I'll be back sugarmuffins
Monday, March 28, 2005
Playing Around
I'm Getting Swamped
Friday, March 18, 2005
Dot &Dash
.Haha, depends on the make
-That's it. Only the make
.No postage and handling will be charged extra. You'd also have to pay taxes if any.
-Ok, so there's fineprint too
.No, it's not called fine print. It's after sales service
-Yeah rightIt's good you know, make a lot of money by selling ideas that make people spend more money
.Hey that's not fair. Money is to spend. If you didn't spend all of that moolah, what's the use of making any? Your crusade against this money thing will end up questioning the reason behind making the wheel
-Who are you a capitalist zealot?
.Hello it's 2005. Doesn't make sense to align yourself anywhere. I'm your fence sitter
-And from there you pass your judgements
.No, just acting like an incorrigible ass hole. You could say that I am an idealist
-And I'm Einstein
.No you're not. You would have understood that I'm seeing everything relatively
-Relative to what?
.To the other frame. In your case IBM, Compaq, hp, Apple... hell even Bill Gates and Stallman
-So where are you in the war against the terror
.Depends on who you are. I'll try my best to oppose you
-Hah, you're a rebel woithout a cause
.No I mean to offend you.
-You're sounding shallow now
.That's the whole point. People must think someone out here is fast running out of ideas
-And that is wrong because...